Our goal is to provide you and your loved ones with quality care and service. That's why the friendly staff works to minimize paperwork and increase conveniences. To the left is a list of services provided to inform you and assist your visit to our practice.
Medicare Wellness Visits
Lakeside Physicians' primary care offices provide Medicare Wellness benefits. Medicare wellness visits are an excellent way to monitor and improve your health. There is generally no co-pay due and no deductible applied.
Medicare wellness visits include:
- Complete health history review
- Blood pressure, weight and vision checks
- Screenings to detect depression, risk of falling and other potential problems
- Physician recommendations for healthy lifestyle changes
Based on findings, the primary care physician may make suggestions for additional wellness services.
There are many ways to find a primary care physician and/or to schedule Medicare Wellness visits:
- Call (817) 573-3627 (DOCS)
- Stop by the office and schedule an appointment in person
- Schedule a Medicare wellness visit whenever you are in the office for another appointment